A miraculous recovery as the weekend nears

We both slept exceptionally badly last night and, perhaps for the first time in a long time, it showed. We both struggled badly to get down to work. Meeting with ML to go over the financial plan – and went through our portfolio closely. Seems like the previous broker didn’t do as badly as we feared.

Then off to Bayshore and Best Buy – and had no idea it was Black Frigging Friday. I managed to avoid spending anything, but had to hand over the laptop again so they could repair it. I am cursed,

Ottawacker Jr. has gone straight from a sick day to a PD Day. He’s made a good recovery and seems brighter and better than yesterday, even. He managed, miraculously, to go and play at Caelan’s.

What else? Things beginning to fall into place for the Euro trip in January/February. I’ve got a place in Calahonda and S might well be around to show me the ropes in the Drôme. I’m also feeling as if I might actually achieve something this year. Still not sure it is the right thing to do – it’ll no doubt be very tough on Mrs Ottawacker for the five weeks, but I can’t deny I need to move, and the arthritis is much better there.

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