View from the Baobab Café

After brunch of well, whatever, we drove to Loughborough to collect Basil's worming tablets. I'd wanted to drive back via our MP's office where we'd seen pro Palestinian protestors a week ago, but  1, we took the wrong road and 2 there were no protestors when we went round again.

We headed then for the Baobab Café parking, as is our wont, at Sainsbury's. It wasn't a good day for walking for me. Some days are better than others. En route I bumped into Sandi who works as a lecturer on boats. Good for her, nice work if you can get it. She'd just returned from Hong Kong.

Len had waited for me on the corner on the other side of the road looking thoroughly grumpy. Even Basil barked at me. We had decaf lattes. Len had blueberry and lemon cake and I had lemon drizzle. They serve super cakes at the Baobab.

The place was almost empty and I think the staff were closing up for 4 pm. A heavy shower hit us as we approached. Cold rain and a warm interior misted up the window.

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