The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Birthday Eve Celebrations

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

The Prince and I went through to Glasgow today as it’s the Youngest Mini Princess’s birthday tomorrow. I booked us somewhere to go for lunch a couple of days ago and called YMP to let her know.

Me: “For Sunday - Ten Eighty Two ok?”

YMP: “Ten Eighty Two? That’s oddly specific.”


Me: “So Ten Eighty Two is where I’ve booked for lunch…and also, it’s not actually a valid time!”

And so we went there for a lovely brunch today (at 2pm, not 11:22) before presents at EMP’s flat. We were all too full to eat cake but that didn’t mean that YMP escaped a family rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’!


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