Now and Then

I made a mistake in looking back at my Blipfoto entry for today in 2018.  I shouldn’t have gone there because once I started I couldn’t stop until I had read all my blips for the rest of the year. Memories flooded back to remind me how my life has changed in the intervening years. 
Suitably depressed, I forced myself to get out into the sunshine and walk myself into a cheerier state of mind and find a blip. This one fitted the bill exactly. 

It was very apt that today my North Berwick friend arrived to have lunch with me. We have much in common since meeting through Maggies 5 years ago- similar age, similar background and widows thanks to pancreatic cancer. She has a wicked sense of humour and we will not fester in gloom but laugh our way through our meal, living in the now rather than the then.

And that is exactly what we did, sitting in the  spring sunshine flooding through the windows and watching the activity unfold on the Meadows.

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