To the vet

Toby hasn’t been feeling too well lately so I took him to the vet today.
I was asked to bring some urine (max one hour old) as well. That presented me with a challenge.
I decided to take my chance on the way to the vet.
When we got out of the car Toby, still stressed by the car ride, immediately rushed to a small tree nearby, which was exactly what I’d hoped he would do. I soon was behind him holding the cup perfectly under the jet of urine. Not a drop got waisted and Toby didn’t notice a thing. Haha. Job done.

Once inside the vet examined it and the outcome was good. The urine was in mint condition. He then emptied Toby’s anal glands, while I was firmly holding him. Toby howled like an idiot. People and animals in the waiting room must have thought he was being slaughtered. What a theatre! But at least I wasn’t bitten this time, unlike the previous 2 visits here. I’m getting the hang of it I guess.

Well, as for Toby’s ‘not feeling well’ there wasn’t a clear diagnosis. We were advised to try other food for Toby. He might have sensitive intestines. We’ll see.

If I’d taken another picture I would have used that one. But I didn’t. This one was to let Annemarie, Bas and Daan know about my success. ;)

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