Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

......and life continues

Thank you for your good wishes for yesterday which was a successful farewell service and reception.
We had a family meal last night. Mum had 8 nephews/nieces, and the surviving 7 and their spice (which is a much better plural of spouse than spouses), all in their 70s, plus two children and three grandchildren and various other hangers on, gathered in our hotel for a meal.
Afterwards we did one of the many quizzes mum used to draw up for other residents in her sheltered housing complex. This one dated from 2016 and I'm ashamed to say we only got 15 out of 30!
We left our hotel just before lunch and headed off to the four airts. I was driving Katy who had stayed over without her family. We stopped at the Kinross garden centre for a break, two previous attempted stops had been unsuccessful as I wasn't willing to join a queue which was out of the door - I'm not good at queuing!
Kinross gave me a buzzer which alerted us when they had a vacant table. There was only a ten minute wait so that was ok and during the wait I bought another bag of seed potatoes. They always have a good selection.
My blip is of a stand of plants by the door looking very colourful and springlike.
We stopped on the way home and picked up the cats who loudly voiced their low opinion of their holiday accommodation!

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