Flying rats

That’s what a friend calls pigeons and today they had taken position in the newly blossomed cherry tree. They arrive and pick away at the tree for ages, they return when the cherry’s arrive and have another go, along with the squirrels.
Walk this morning was dry and cold and then we went off down to the canal this afternoon and that was sunny and warmer. Another slow day. Daughter messaged to ask if I wanted to go for a walk and I said no because I don’t want to pass on anything to her and the little one. I am missing them but think it’s best to stay away until this awful bug has gone, having said that I think we got it from the grandson.
House I pass most days has the most splendid display of hellebore in the front, today it had pots with small plants in saying help yourself to our hellebore so we took one each. The house has just sold and I think they were emptying their greenhouse.

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