Thin ice

As indicated earlier, I decided that the three consecutive swims (Thursday, Friday, Saturday) were enough. Not swimming meant we could get some washing done and out to dry with the dehumidifier on....which was much needed. We also had a gentle and restful morning, and then a wander around Aldie Burn, which was quite frosty and very pretty indeed. Later on, I tried to do a bit of gardening in the front, only to discover the soil was frozen solid. But after that it rained, and warmed up, so perhaps tomorrow I can get out there and do some more weeding.

As I said to Mr A over dinner just now, there are times when we are up here that I want to "just be". Not do, but be. Today was largely one of those days, although I've hardly been idle. To some extent, it's just about enjoying the peace and quiet.  It's a relief to be away from the constant noise of the building site, which offers only Sunday as its day of respite. But there is also traffic noise and other background noise, that is largely absent here.

We have another day and a half to enjoy this quiet before we have to go back.

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