Day of Rest

Our daughter-in-law and two youngest granddaughters arrived home safely last night by about 10.00 pm, three hours later than scheduled. They were all exhausted, but fortunately L’s temperature didn’t develop into anything worse and she and her sister are spending a quiet day resting before going back to school tomorrow.

It’s actually our daughter-in-law’s birthday today, but we are all going to put celebrations on hold while she rests after a busy few days. We dropped off a birthday cake and a chicken curry for them all to enjoy on their own, and will look forward to seeing them another day when everyone is less tired.

Speaking of being tired, I confess Granny and Grandpa both fell asleep in their chairs after lunch …

So, after my nap, not having taken a photo for Blip, I took this photo which shows the table outside my craft room where I store all the items that are waiting to go up to the Atrium and be put in the card stand.

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