San Andres de Bedriñana, Villaviciosa

Bedriñana is a village on the Ría de Villaviciosa, maybe 3 or 4 km from Villaviciosa itself. The church of San Andrés was built there in the 9th century and was declared in 1931 to be a pre-romanesque National Monument. It´s an attractive and functional building, close to the physical centre of its viable village.
The main photo shows a pre-romanesque (so 9th century) window embedded in its south wall. So far so good. 
The extras show another pre-romanesque window, from the north wall, and the wall from a distance, and the front view of this basically very pretty little National Monument. The frontage contains, by the way, another of these wonderful carved-in-one-piece pre-romanesque windows. 
The Catholic Church in Spain has a reputation for neglecting the public patrimony in its care but some 10 years ago had to agree with the government that it would at least care for the pre-romanesque in its possession. You can see the condition they´re in. A picture, they say, speaks louder than a thousand words...

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