Coming out

Had more work to do on the outside fence panels today. They rattle noisily in the wind, so we’d bought some wedges to tap down the sides.
Rather than keep checking them and re-tapping as necessary, Callum wanted to glue them into place!
We needed a few more which duly arrived yesterday, so we finished the job off today.

Before that though, and once breakfast was out the way, I took the dogs through the woods, and got several phone pics to select from.
As I often find, pretty much the last one has been chosen. The path coming out the woods, where an old bench is appropriately positioned for a sit down once you’ve trudged up the hill. But I was fine, I just took a photo of it rather than sit on it, and thought it would just about qualify for Derelict Sunday. It’s probably still quite sturdy.
Thanks to Marlieske for hosting DS, one of the challenges I am often on the look out for subjects to suit!

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