
Blue sky ............... What a treat.
Walked Indie .... squelch, squelch, squelch. I could walk down beside the river but it would be exactly the same underfoot, & with so much rainfall the Teign is washing away the river banks. Farmers fields reducing in area, they certainly won't be happy about that. Indie disappeared chasing after deer, returing 10minutes later puffing & panting so I need'nt walk her so far today. We came back via the pond for a quick rinse off, a pair of Mallards checking it out. There is a small island that the Canada geese have used for nesting before now but I have'nt seen them on there for a couple of years now. Plenty of birdsong all the way back into the village.
Mum & I completed the jigsaw puzzle.
Back to Chudleigh, bought another bird nesting box from Andrew in the hardware shop, & corn plasters for Mum plus her prescription from the chemist.
Toasted sarnies & an afternoon at the races. Mum's lost her touch, so no winners today. Her knowledge of jockeys, trainers etc. seems to have been forgotten, she still enjoys viewing though.

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