But Hark! Is That a Bun-Tray I Hear?

Rabbit Tails. . . . I mean, Tales . . . from our yard!

My husband has made friends with the rabbits in the yard. As far as we can tell, there are two of them. But perhaps more. There are two MAIN rabbits that we see frequently. One (this one) lives on the left side of the yard. The other one lives on the right side of the yard, under the forsythia hedge.

My husband likes to feed the bunnies in winter time. So he prepares a small tray of dried cranberries, chopped peanuts, and sliced carrots. There is a short yard table he puts the tray under. The rabbit pretends it does not see it, and then suddenly, the tray of food is gone!

Such was the case on this day. It was around dusk. My husband was heading for the front door with the bun-tray. "Watch the rabbit," he said. And so I got out my camera, and I watched through the front window. This is a picture of the bunny, apparently realizing that my husband (excuse me, the waiter) is bringing out a tray of snacks!

But hark! Is that a bun-tray I hear?

And then once the tray was out, the bunny disappeared under the hedge. It began to grow darker. My husband always checks the tray a bit later; if the bun has not eaten the food, he goes back out and retrieves the tray. We don't want to feed some random night yard creature; just BUNNIES.

Well, he shone the flashlight down on the tray just at dark, and OOPSIE! The light shone onto a bunny face, and he saw a pair of red eyes in the darkness. The rabbit was in the middle of eating its supper! Another successful rabbit feeding on the books!

By the way, the other rabbit, the one under the forsythia hedge, has earned a name. We have seen it hop up on the bird food tray on a small table on that side of the yard, eat every single morsel, and hop down, totally unapologetically! I have not gotten a photo of that yet, but I am keeping an eye out. Oh, and what's the name we gave that little thief? Bandido Bunzini!

Anyway, the soundtrack song for a wild eastern cottontail rabbit standing on its back feet, waiting somewhat impatiently for its servant to bring it its dinner is this one: Tom Petty and Eddie Vedder, with The Waiting. Tom cracks me up when he says, so humbly: "I tell ya, you've never heard it till ya hear Eddie Vedder sing it." Tom (just "T.P." in our house), we love and miss you! 

P.S. There's a Tom Petty tribute album coming out at the end of May that features country artists performing his hits. Something to look forward to!

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