Dhan uisge

It was cold (and for cold read freezing) overnight but I and a few other foolhardy souls made our way to the Dell this morning for 30 mins of yoga followed by a refreshing dip. 

There is something really powerful about looking out onto the loch and up at blue skies when doing yoga, especially in the company of others. I may do some yoga in the garden when it gets warmer (we have spots were I won't be overlooked). 

Our buoy had been washed away in recent storms but it was restored last week and I swam out to it. On my way back I was swimming into sun and I then rushed out, discarded my gloves and grabbed my camera, rushed back into the water and took a couple of pictures. Boy were my hands cold afterwards - really brought home how much difference gloves make. 

The rest of the day has been/is being spent quietly at home - next week is relatively quiet and I'm building up to cleaning out/up my shed. 

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