Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Afternoon Walk

Our 'up past the pond' walk, one of many from the house, takes us under two huge signs like this which seem overkill, particularly now in the age of Sat Nav Google maps. The poses of Orla and Conor in this picture reflect their respective personalities at the moment. Orla's power pose juxtaposed with Conor's hidden cheeky smile.

In the afternoon Dad and Conor watched a very informative YouTube video all about Generative AI. To make it interactive and ensure Conor was listening, Dad pasted the transcript into ChatGPT and asked it to provide 10 multiple choice questions about the subject matter. Unfortunately Conor seems dead against using AI, he thinks it is like cheating and distrusts it. Given its power as an educational tool, it is going to be important to persuade him otherwise given he is homeschooling.

Mum and Dad went out for dinner at Masaman in Glasgow to celebrate their 28th anniversary of meeting at University in Edinburgh. Gran and Papa couldn't come up to 'babysit' so Orla took responsibility. They watched the recent Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie.

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