Birds and Boat Lines

While Mike, Cindy, and Lisa went to play Bingo and eat sloppy joes at the clubhouse, I snuck off to shoot the sunset. It wasn't the greatest for birds because it was fairly windy, but it was still a special night to be outdoors.

Lisa and I hit a few (8) garage sales this morning, not coming away with very much. The day turned out to be sunny and bright (maybe 75F), and we had lunch at a craft show where my sister-in-law Joy had a table selling her wares.

I'm typing this up as I await the news of any of the bingo-ers bringing home any money. I just couldn't bring myself to go, and Lisa did send me a text during the festivities, stating...You would hate this...

In my extras is another Birds on Boats shot. Perhaps the same blue heron.

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