
Good London day despite the trains being a pain in the bum. Had a nice visit with Clare all the way up and then she went to her luncheon and Will and I crossed the road from the station to meet Daisy and Toby in spoons for our lunch. We elbowed our way to a free table and had a fine old pre- theatre lunch. A quick stop to m and s to stock up on (too many) sweets then onto the show which was great actually. V good costumes and sets, story was good although songs a disappointment tbh.

Then we said goodbye and set forth for our extended journey home. Will and I were surrounded by a pack out out of control 6 years olds and their napping parents. At one point I did alert them that two of their charges were actually crawling under our seats. They shouted at them a bit to get it sorted.

That was a grand day out, nice cheap tickets in a sale too.

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