Special Day

Twenty-Seven Years and I can honestly say I have enjoyed every minute.
Mrs S came in from her night shift to a card, the books she wanted, some chocolates and some flowers. We opened the family cards and read our online messages before Mrs S headed upstairs for some much needed rest.
As for me the Thursday Gang beckoned but not the normal one, I’d heard that the ‘originals’ now meet for a coffee elsewhere so I thought I’d join them. After screwing down the new non-slip treads in the pouring rain, fitted to keep the brewery H&S happy, I headed off.
I’m so glad that I did, the ‘thing’ we started during the Covid Lockdowns where we met up to make sure we were all ok has continued. Ill health has caught up with a couple and where another one’s condition has improved another’s has deteriorated - but that life.
Sat enjoying coffee and cake with old friends it was like slipping back in time and it wasn’t until we had gone our separate ways that I realised that the rugby club had not even been mentioned.

Sam headed off for rugby training in the evening, she throws herself into it and enjoys it but having stood in the conservatory at the rugby club today and watched the constant rain puddling on the pitch it’s hard to see it going ahead.
But decisions are not made regarding pitch condition until the Saturday afternoon/evening.

Today’s photo, the delightful Mrs S and I on our wedding day at Devoran Church.

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