A Long Way Up....

....it was the annual scavenger hunt for the ladybirds, and Spidey The Ladybird as he was affectionately nicknamed, was right up for this years challenge.

It was open to anyone across the UK, and individuals were selected from their counties to take part.

He'd beaten the whole lot in his county, and found himself faced with climbing a tall wall with various obstacles on it.

The worst was when the sunshine beamed through the glass, heating the wall right up - that was really hard!

But he was upto it, and reached the top in record time, then was able to fly down, enjoying the adulation of the crowd of cheering ladybirds who had come to watch.

It was a thrill, and to top it all, he had won a luxurious spa weeks break away for him and his family :-)

Take care all :-)

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