Friday: Mirab Department Store

‘Booky, why are you showing us this?’ I hear you say.  ‘It’s just an escalator’.  No, this is way more exciting.  This is the ONLY escalator in Belize!  In the only department store in Belize.  Anecdotally, parents take their kids there to ride on the escalators, although I think that’s probably an urban myth.

I was up in the city to attend Japanese National Day and we needed some new table lamps for our private living room so I stopped off with the driver to get some.

Japanese National Day was fine.  There was a sushi station but the queue must have been 20 deep every time I looked and sushi is not the quickest food in the world to make.  So near, and yet, so far!  I must have looked a bit wistful as the Governor-General gave me a piece from her plate before I had to leave.  

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