Daddy time

Thanks so much for all your supportive comments following yesterday’s blip, and apologies  for not responding yet and for being so behind with journals. I’m catching up with sleep! 

I’m pleased to say that today things are so much better. I think the long phone chat helped, followed by a heart to heart between themselves; there has been a distinct change in just who is taking care of baby. 

He’s had a lovely day with Lili, spending lots of time just bonding and he’s now so much more relaxed. Of course, she’s getting into a routine now too, and is managing to sleep for two hours at a stretch - baby steps! 

Not my photo, but I’ve just got to blip this shot of Daniel with Lili - his happiness is clear - with other ‘daddy’ shots in extras. I hope you’ll forgive the indulgence. I’m just so relieved ….. 

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