A handful of bulbs

Wonderful that a handful of bulbs in a pot in the autumn can give so many lovely flowers over such a sustained period.  And I can plant them out afterwards…. Looking back at last year’s photos we are way ahead of last year when snowdrops were still full out and daffodils just emerging.  Still, this colder spell coming up will slow things down again.  I think there have been fewer snowdrops this year and more clumps are ‘blind’ with tiny buds that won’t open or no flowers.  I imagine too much growth too soon but am going to go and look it up! 

Vikram’s sister Anu arrived off an early flight and bedded in to the house for a day working whilst V went off to London for a lunch.   I worked away in the barn and got a lot done.   I had a bath in the guest bathroom and discovered the tap was faulty (one should occasionally use guest facilities!) and the plumber was here by 11.  

We looked out at the empty bird feeders and were sad that only the peanuts remained, with a small queue of birds attempting to peck at them.  

Cooked dinner for us all, a Diana Henry chicken and caper all in one with a chicory salad and we sat by the fire and talked afterwards.  

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