
Pio was watching me; Cousteau was watching Bosco; Bosco was watching Pio. I was watching all of them. For a split second, it was like a comedy standoff. Then Bosco bopped Pio and it was all on. Cats racing around in the branches and Cousteau and me watching from below. I wondered if Cousteau wished he could be up there too ...

Never a dull moment when you've got animals to watch, I say.

I have a sore paw. Too much computer work. I'm not going to let myself do anything on the computer tonight; unless I'm properly set up with a mouse.

It's cold now and I've got the doors open to air the place out. I'd better go and close them and fire up the heatpump.

I got confirmation that my building consent has been approved. The logburner installation can begin!


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