days I'll remember

By bassrockbob

Goodnight New York

A final night blip of Macy's Herald Square, mid-town New York.

Breakfast was at R's Cafe, Herald Square, an enormous place that does everything from fresh fruit to fried eggs to sushi and pasta - and that's just breakfast.

Then bus to 86th Street from where we walked to the Guggenheim Museum (actually an art gallery, and an amazing piece of art in itself) - see also smug tweet re #cosmopolitan.

A walk back through Central Park via the Dakota Building and Strawberry Fields. I'm old enough to remember what I was doing when I heard that John Lennon had been killed; I was ironing.

Then after checking in for our flights tomorrow we splashed out on steaks and burgers (had to be) in a basement restaurant of the Empire State Building, now officially my favourite building anywhere.

And a final night-time blip of New York.

Back-blips to follow.

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