What we've done today...............

I only had a little walk first thing because Ann wanted to go to the fishmongers at Bruntsfield this morning and she said that I could go with her. She also wanted to pop into Waitrose first thing to get some bread for her breakfast. I don't normally get tied up at Waitrose because the 'tie up place' is a bit hidden from view so somebody could easily come along and steal me. Apparently Ann risked it this morning because she was hungry and she wanted a particular type of bread that only Waitrose sells. Nobody tried to steal me. Phew!!

After breakfast we went to the fishmongers and the hardware shop, so I had to be tied up twice more, but that was OK because Ann could see me from inside both shops. I sit ever so nicely when I'm waiting for Ann. Usually people stop and talk to me and they think I'm ever such a well behaved little Collie pup. I don't do any silly puppy jumping up. I just sit nicely, watching the shop door all the time until Ann comes back to me.

This afternoon we walked round to Archie's house to drop off a couple of Tshirts for him. Archie is my little Schnauzer friend and he has a spot on his chest. He's having to wear a cone collar atm and his owners think he might be more comfortable in a Tshirt. Ann has a couple of old ones (that she was going to chuck out) so we popped them round to him. In retrospect we think they might be too big for him. We rang the bell twice and looked through the living room window but couldn't see anyone, so just posted them through the letter box. Apparently his owners were in. Lol!

After that, Ann decided that she'd take me for a play on the Meadows but although it was a lovely day, it's been raining a lot recently and the Meadows would have been quite muddy. A no. 9 bus just happened to be passing, so we jumped on it and went down to Granton. Walked to Silverknowles. That was a bit scary, because to get to the Silverknowles esplanade we had to walk along a bit of derelict road that had lots of parked white vans and 'strange people' getting in and out of them. Ann's getting a bit paranoid about where she walks me. Did any of you other Edinburgh Blippers read the report on 'Edinburgh Live' about the man who was attacked at knife point in a park in Currie (or was it Balerno?) who tried to steal his dog? Ann walks all over the place with me and she's never really thought about it before. But seriously?.................... if there are dogknappers about, obviously I would be a very good little doggie to steal because I am absolutely gorgeous.

Walked through Forth Quarter Park with the intention of jumping on a no 38 bus to come home, but our app told us it wasn't due for 13 mins. Just at that minute a no. 9 bus came along. We didn't even know the no. 9 bus went on that route. Ann says the route has obv been changed so she's going to check where it goes now. Anyway, we jumped on it, got off it on Kilgraston Road and walked through the grounds of the Astley Ainslie Hospital to get home by about 4.45pm. Isn't it nice that the evenings are getting lighter now?

And that's been our day.

And now we're waiting for Ann's very gorgeous nephew, Jack, and his very lovely girlfriend, Gabby, to arrive for the weekend. They are bringing the fabulous coffee table that Jack has made for Ann. Yay! 

ETA is 10.30pm so Ann says she'll just sit and drink wine until they arrive. Lol! No Corrie tonight. Apparently there's 'Women's International Football' on instead?!! Boooooohoooo!!!

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