The Terrace

For the first time since we have been here we moved the car and went into Penzance. In the end our plans to go elsewhere after were thwarted by the  weather so we could have gone by bus after all. 

The photo I wanted to take is this one, just a shame about the scaffolding. I like this granite terrace of shops with the sets of turning steps and the elegant decorative railings. 

Until Victorian times this road, Market Jew Street, was just an unmade narrow  thoroughfare, dusty in summer, muddy and filthy in winter. Then the Great Western Railway arrived, bringing with it people and trade, and something had to be done about this main road up from the station. The solution was to cut into the steeply sloping bank and create a walkway, which instantly transformed the street - raised its convenience, cleanliness and status. 

And of course I chose this particular set of steps because they lead up to the The Edge of the World Bookshop, an impressive and friendly place that I love. Books were bought, including some for a granddaughter, whose birthday is in a week or two. 

Meanwhile Gordon had wandered and found a place to buy some trail shoes. So, success and two carrier bags. We had planned to wander a bit more and then drive along to some other places, but a sudden hail storm sent us for shelter and then another, and really ferocious, hail storm (see extra) sent us back to Newlyn. 

We stopped off for coffee and a light lunch and a look at the sea and then headed back to the house. It continued to shower all afternoon but I didn’t mind as I now have even more books to read. Gordon went for a walk to try out his new shoes - he and the shoes got very wet. 

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