A Blip on the Reidar

By reidar

Tidy your room.

A plan was hatched and we headed over to Edinburgh for a two hour window to take in the 'Paolozzi at 100' exhibition at Modern Two. While the exhibits on show where very good I was a little disappointed in the size of the exhibition only covering the ground floor. Even with due attention given the exhibit was taken in over one hour so we headed across the road to Modern One. I've been there a few times and generally enjoy what is on show, I can take or leave a lot of modern art but some artists like Joan Eardley really grab me. This time however I was more than a little disappointed and in some cases quite annoyed at the work on show. I guess that is bringing out a response to the art even if it isn't an enjoyable one but some work actively made me annoyed and out of kilter with my balance. Most of the time it was due to what I perceived to be a lack of finish and general effort in the work. Overall an unhappy visit to Modern One but at least the Eduardo Paolozzi work was good and getting out doing something different for the morning made a happy change.

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