Girl Power

This was the behemoth that was parked along the road outside the Dower House this morning making for one way traffic and a lot of rubberneckers. People were developing cricks in their necks as they gazed skyward, the extending crane was so tall. Apparently air conditioners were being hoisted up to the top of the office buildings and when I asked a young woman standing beside me on the pavement wearing a yellow jacket and a hard hat who was operating the crane, she said she was, showing me a small control box she held in her hands. I’m sure she knew what she was doing but I wouldn’t have liked the responsibility.

I have waited so long to see daughter#2 that I adopted the maxim- if Mohammed won’t come to the mountain, the mountain must go to Mohammed. She is one busy lady and never seems to be at home. Not only does she work long hours in Fife but she tends to retreat at weekends to the family home at Rannoch. Elderly parents are an added stress and I don’t want to be the needy one. However there is a limit to the waiting game so after messaging to make sure she was in Edinburgh, I walked along for a coffee. She was in the middle of being busy, work related, but she was happy to spare me some time as long as it wasn’t too long. I took the hint and didn’t overstay my welcome. It’s a sobering thought to have got to the stage when I need the children more than they need me. When did that happen?

It’s Friday again but the TGIF drinks are going to be a Billy -no -mates affair as the other protagonists are either in London or going out on the lash later. I am gearing up to be that person in the corner with a book..…..Oh and a glass of house white.

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