
By randomgirl


I keep hoping that this awful killing and  occupation of the Palestinian people will stop soon. 
I am not good at keeping up with doing my Blips at the best of times, but the current events in Gaza have been preoccupying me a lot. I find it hard when I go on social media to see the world carrying on as normal. (Even though I know that's the reality of how our lives work). Of course there are always terrible atrocities happening somewhere in the world to people, but I feel our country, and other western governments are guilty of enabling and justifying this killing of so many innocent people. 
It feels out of place to say something like this on Blip, but it's something that I have to get off my chest, rather than hide it away and try to carry on as normal.

By the way the flower is from a plant belonging to my youngest daughter. It has grown very tall, reaching for the light on her windowsill. Another photo of it in the extra!

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