
The illusion of a clear blue sky is out there. It must be an illusion because the second I go out there raindrops rain on me...

Wild life nighttime video.
Badgers & Foxes & Cats & Foxes & Badgers...
2 min 10 seconds
Condensed from well over 3 hours of constant activity from this lot...

Creative...daffodils again because I am rethinking my postcards...in a few days if I have enough daffodils left to last that time, after the badger is digging everything at ground level up...

I am getting some feedback on my postcards I paint on here and send, and although everyone says they are wonderful, amazing etc, I am getting a BUT...could we have a little colour, like a red cardinal etc. My little black ink paintings are painted from my soul, feelings, and emotions that morning. If I were painting something commercial, then yes I would.

I am preparing a little area with paints, brushes etc to do something completely different, and hopefully will start in a few days...I will still be doing them on those little postcards.

Time for a cuppa.

Have your best kind of day...

EDIT: Something funny from last night.
Well, it wasn't funny for Midnight who spent the whole night with me.
I woke up in the early hours as I do.
Decided to do video editing.
Forgot I had the sound on the iPad.
I didn't have my sound hearing processor on...didn't need it.
The badgers are being rumbustious and very playful.
Midnight, as I said was asleep on my bed.
His head shot up very alarmed and looked all over my bedroom.
Then I realised the badgers noise from the iPad was right next to his poor little good ear...he thought the badgers were actually in my bedroom and was very confused...
I had to calm the poor lad down...

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