Just the weather for mosses

If anything worse weather than yesterday. Incessant rain more so in the afternoon with a rising wind while I was out running.

We donned our wet weather gear this morning and walked to town, mainly to get my new specs adjusted collect some Brazil nuts and have a coffee. No nuts and a less flavoursome coffee was our reward for our damp expedition.

I’ve been working on a book for a great nephew this afternoon while Susan tackled a “bookends” construction. Not quite sure what it will turn out like.

We had a very pleasant hour or so working on our guitar and ukulele songs this evening. Hopefully, fingers crossed, tomorrow will be better!

Friends of ours really rubbed it with a WhatsApp from La Gomera in the Canaries where they’re on a walking holiday. Full sun and 22c.

However, as they live in Keswick you have to let them have a bit of warmth and sun. It’ll be different when we’re with them on Arran at the end of next month.

Even the blip is out of focus. I don’t care. I like it!

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