That bridge is....

coming in very handy for Blips.
I did a blitz of the greenhouse after breakfast this morning, cutting back neglected over wintering cannas & echiums. Think I may have lost the lemongrass, it certainly looks very sad.
Full waterproofs walk this morning.. Indie does'nt care, I don't either. We had fun... A dip in the river Bovey for a rinse off before we headed back to the village. Coffee, then a while spent on the jigsaw puzzle. We're getting there. I made lunch for Mum, checked the TV was working, electric blanket timer on, & fed Indie. She's not bothered about tinned dog meat, but the minute I take the lid off the tub of homecooked butternut squash, she's there. Funny maid!!
Back home for lunch with hubby. A few odd jobs around the house this afternoon.
Prepped everything for tonight's meal of toad in the hole, dropped hubby up to the pub, dropped off assorted items to the charity shop at the same time.
I gave Hayley, a neighbour, some prizes for her Friends of Chudleigh Primary School quiz, that she & husband Liam, are holding this weekend. She has numerous hedgehog houses around her garden, all in use, & eating her out of house & home...
lt's really chilly out there now.

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