
It hasn't grown very tall but it does have 4 flower buds that are coming out very slowly
It's been a very entertaining day here. The traffic lights have been causing chaos at various times on the day as the war memorial lights cause tailbacks any way. So people have either sat through several changes or gone on the pavement to continue the journey. Then the scaffold guys turned up to takedown the scaffold from 2 doors away and blocked the lights and as they finished the Cadent contractors turned up to fill in the home where the gas leak was. If not done today then they would get a huge fine for Hindi g up the resurfacing work, then they were told they couldn't dig up the road for at least at 5 years unless an emergency . All our gas services were fitted in at the same time and our neighbour , who is still without gas, had to have a complete service as his pipe looked like a pepper pot. His lovely drive way looks a mess and his all electric car is parked on our drive .
And to cap it all I have picked up worms from somewhere. Dr called this morning and medication issued as pharmacy couldn't do it because I am diabetic.

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