It’s all so modern

In at the charity shop this morning and I feel I have learnt something moderne.

One of the other volunteers, Jasper, was in too and him being young and knowing about technology educated me about the ChatGPT app and what it can do. Jasper explained (and showed me examples of what it can do) it in a really sensible way, and I felt a little bit better about it, realising that it might not in fact be a precursor to the annihilation of human thought by robots, lol.

Anyway, he also fed some details into the ChatGPT image generator to produce an image of us in the shop. The ladies were however not so keen on their images, so Jasper amended the detail (see smaller image bottom left) and took a couple of years off, adding them onto me in the process…. mmm…I hasten to add that I do not have a cardie like that! 

The third image on the bottom right is when he suggested some grumpy customers should be added in. Oh, how we laughed. 

All in all, it made me realise how important for us more mature folks to speak and learn from the younger ones, after all, they have to live in the world we made for them. 

Gosh, that all sounds very profound. 

Have a good day all. 

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