it all takes time

By Don2532

Blah blah blah

Apologies! Tired still got headache and couldn't come up with a snappy title that didnt have "Tree" or "Clouds" in it!

Busy day at work today and can't wait for 2pm tomorrow when I finish for the weekend. Got a couple of days off and going camping with my son.

Its great really Rob :-) (smile for Rob, I never call him that, being his dad I get to call him Bob, no one else does, of course Robert for short) Bob is fast approaching 30 and I'm not far off 55 and we are going camping :-) Not just any old camping though!

Stay tuned as I hope to be able to get some sort of signal to Blip with when we have the tent pitched.

Last apologie I havent done my normal rounds of blips I subscribe to. IF you are reading this please award yourself 5* from me.

I'll catch up when I can but must get some sleep now, early start at work and I still need to pack.

Good night Blip world Thank you for your comments.

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