Capital adventures

By marchmont

Day off

The girls were spending time with Eryi (#2 aunt) today so I was able to do 'my own thing'.  As a quality control measure I went to Deen's Nasi Kandar for roti canai for breakfast. Confirmed my previous assessment, not as good as Pelita.  The roti seemed thicker and one of the sambals was sweet!

Then walked, yes walked, up to Hartamas.  It's only 1.2 kms but in the heat ...  Did some necessary grocery shopping and then picked up the reglazed picture and my framed cross stitch and then a Grab home.  I dropped off the big picture at HK but no sign of #1 son, though he was in.  

I spent most of afternoon by my pool.  In and out of the water and finishing Val McDermid. It started to cloud over around 4 so I came back upstairs and after 5, when the UK entered business, made some phone calls about care.  Feels like a bit of progress.  I'm better when I'm doing things.  Later there was an update from the 2 M's about Mum.  

And then we had a huge storm, no thunder and lightening but a lot of rain, a lot of rain. Stopped me walking down to Jaya for something I don't really need!  Had a couple of video calls with E and then L.  Good to catch up.  In between I had a lovely dinner of fish and prawns.  All to keep me going till meetings starting at 10.30 pm. local time.  Think they went well but the second one went on past the witching hour. 

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