I completely forgot to take any pictures today so a blip of Phin looking hopeful for crumbs when I had my very late tea after my choir rehearsal is the best you’re going to get!

Boiler was serviced this morning and luckily no issues to be resolved.

We spent an hour or two looking at lightweight cabin baggage as our current cases are quite heavy, and with only 10kg to play with, I wanted to pack in enough clothes for 5 days plus a few extras we’re taking to Spain on Monday. Nothing in the shops hit the mark so the good old online retailer to the rescue.

Stopped at Wagamama for a late lunch of a delicious Udon noodles dish before I had a fabulous pedicure. I’m now walking on air! Didn’t feel like eating before rehearsal but gave just polished off some crackers and aged Gouda with a side of salami, washed down with a tasty glass of Fitou!

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