The Life of Bri

By bri

Dog's eye view

Had a good sleep on the end of the bed last night, but Mum is still getting up at an unearthly hour. Gave her a quick morning lick, but then stayed in bed for a doze while she got ready for work.

Went for the same walk as yesterday. The three-legged dog came out and barked at me, but then wandered off, so I peed on his gatepost - can't let the locals get too uppity!

Found a nice rotting bird carcass in the bushes. Was just about to wolf it down when Dad started playing hoop... oh the dilemma, but hoop won. Oddly he stopped playing almost straight away. Ah well, maybe the bird will still be there tomorrow.

Chased a hare into the rape field - crikey, those boys are fast. Was well beaten, but nonchalantly loped back to Dad, pretending I had just lost interest.

Had to pass the bees again, but kept well clear. Then played LOTS AND LOTS of HOOP. Fun!

Then Dad started to blip again... boring.

Wasn't quite ready to go home yet, so wouldn't let Dad catch me on the lane. He was SO mad when I started charging through the barley fields! We ended up going the long way back through the really long wet grass, so his jeans went two-tone at the knees.

He finally caught me by playing hoop again... ah well.

Got home, then had a quick doze.

Where's breakfast?

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