Phone dress

Look carefully at the black decorations on this dress…they are parts of old first generation mobile phones! One item in an interesting exhibition in the gallery at Kings Place, King’s Cross.  The works which included lots of bronzes and several interesting carved gourds, was by a Ugandan artist Peter Oloya.  The dress is made of a form of bark. 

I met up with a friend and we went to the Post Office Museum, our Plan A was to visit the exhibition there but…it was so busy with lots of families, children on half term in other parts of the country visiting we presumed, so we decided to have lunch at Dishoom at Kings Cross.  The lunch was delicious as usual and a fellow diner was Rosie Jones (comedian who has cerebral palsy and on TV lots) We also visited a couple of small galleries as my friend does not know the area . We did lots of walking!

Many trains in and out of Waterloo were cancelled so my journey was longer than usual.

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