...rain, rain and even more rain!  I haven’t been sleeping that well just lately, but last night slept for 9 hours - mind you, I didn’t go up to bed until 11.59 - just made it before midnight - but I knew it was going to be a difficult night because the wind was howling and the rain was beating on the window.

I eventually went off to sleep and miraculously didn’t need to get up in the night to go to the bathroom, but when I woke just before 9 o’clock this morning, I could still hear the rain lashing down and the wind howling through the window and even our bedroom door.  Not conducive to getting up, so I stayed in bed a bit longer - well, when you are retired, you can do that!

We had some books to go back to the library, and they needed to go back today before we racked up a lot of money in fines, so Mr. HCB kindly said he would take them over.  I feel a bit sad because I haven’t been able to read much, nor do any knitting, since my eyes became so sore - which is a source of sadness for me, who loves reading and knitting.  BUT, I’m not too despondent, because I can still type and see things on my computer.

I am singing on Sunday at Church, and thankfully am able to do that, so need to put the music onto my iPad and that I can still do too, so that’s good, and I will be going to the practice tonight.  

I guess for many of us, as we get older, we have to make compromises in what we can do and how long we can do things for.  Even Mr. HCB finds he can’t do as much in the garden as he used to, but whenever we think of moving to an apartment, it fills us with dread and I know he would miss his garden terribly.  So, “gently does it”, as the saying goes and hopefully we can stay in our house for a long time yet.  If and when we can’t manage the garden - and I know I don’t do much out there at the moment - we will find a gardener to help us.

Here is my Wide Wednesday shot taken from our bedroom window, with the rain cascading down, just after I got up - completely off theme, of course, but why would I be on theme?  In fact, why be the same when you can be different, is what I say!  The white “blob” in the middle of the shot is actually one of the petals off the plum trees, which are flowering just outside our fence - and in these high winds, they fly around the garden like confetti.

Since my operation I feel the cold in my feet and legs, which are still numb, so I will be under my electric throw - still wearing my pink robe - and enjoying the warmth, which of course, pleases Mr. HCB because we don’t have to have the heating on and the electric throw uses about 1p per hour.

Have a good day and hopefully tomorrow the weather may be brighter!  M xx 

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