My Thermometer

Well, for really cold temperatures at least.  It is only 5F this morning, but I don't have to look at a thermometer to tell that.  The rhododendron outside my breakfast room window is all drooping down and curled tightly, which is what it does if it is below freezing.  In the afternoon, as the sun reaches this side of the house and the temperatures rise, the rhododendron will perk up and the leaves will open.  My visit with the surgeon went very well yesterday.  He spent nearly an hour with me patiently answering all my questions.  I had a new set of surgical x-rays taken and he showed me the template of the implant superimposed on my knee.  Fascinating.  I feel much better now about this ordeal.  I asked if I would be able to return to Scotland next spring and he said, "with bells on".  I'll keep my eye on that prize for sure.

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