Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Genital Cupping

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I do enjoy days in the office. I love seeing my friends and giving them hugs and having fun with them. Today I saw Fazzy and Lee-Ann and Christine and Kelly and larfs were had. 

I also organised a Married At First Sight meeting for me and Lee-Ann and Lucy to discuss the couples and how we felt about them. It was fun! I brought Fazzy along too, although she has no interest in the show. 

Fazzy got distracted however, because Lucy is pregnant with TRIPLETS. 

Fazzy is very VERY clucky about pregnancy and babies. She was BESIDE herself with delight. "Can I borrow one???" she asked. 

The MAFS group was one member short however. I work with an middle-aged, gruff very Kiwi "bloke" bloke called Mike. Hilariously, he loves MAFS and loves to ask me about it. 

"I can't take him seriously after hearing this," said Lee-Ann.

Mike was disappointed he missed out and sought me out later. "What did ya think of this week's Dinner Party?" he asked. "That Jack is a f*ckin' @rsehole," he volunteered. 

To be fair, Jack IS. We all agreed it between ourselves earlier. 

But Mike wanted to talk about genital cupping. This was an "intimacy" exercise that Alessandra, the Argentinian sex therapist, made all the couples participate in. 

It's exactly what you think.

The couples have to stare intently into each other's eyes, while placing their hand gently on their partner's parts*. They keep this up for 30 seconds and then afterward they feel more connected. 

I mean. You'd bloody hope so. 

"It's a bit bloody weird," said Mike. He and I discussed this for a while and then wandered back to our desks. 

"What were you two up to?" asked Fazzy.

"Genital cupping," I explained. "We're feeling more connected now."

"We made eye contact the whole time," added Mike. 

Mike then threatened to introduce genital cupping into our next Steering Group meeting. I'm not entirely sure he was joking.

Long story short, this thing could become a thing. So if a manager tries to put his hand gently onto your bits, you can blame Jack. He's an @rsehole. 


* Over the clothes. We're not perverts. 

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