
By BethAndCo

Musical Babies

Today was Musical Babies day with Louise and baby Rhys at Allens Croft Children's Centre and it was fab!!!

We all sat on chairs round in a circle with our babies, and Martin led the group. We sang loads of things like 5 Little Speckled Frogs, Wind The Bobbin Up, The Wheels On The Bus, a few songs I've never heard before and the funniest had to have been Old MacDonald which involved Martin going round the moms with a red bag full of animals, and when it was your turn you pulled out an animal and had to make that animal noise, he did warn us that they weren't your every day farm animal and said not to worry about the sound but to use our imagination, well, Louise pulled out a spider and I pulled out a blummin' praying mantis!! Lol (as you can see from today's pic) well, both Louise's spider and my praying mantis both went with a ssss ssss here and a ssss ssss there lol!! The lady who got the octopus was funny as her octopus went "with an ink ink here and an ink ink there" lol.
In true Eva style she fell asleep half way through and unfortunately missed out on the Hokey Cokey. Spark out she was in my arms with num nums and bunny <3

We went for a bite to eat at The Hungry Horse after (the old Billesley) and Lou and I were both very brave and fed our babas ourselves sat at our booth. The poor lad who brought our food over didn't know where to look poor kid lol.

So we had a thoroughly lovely day. Mike gave Eva her bath as usual when he got home from work, so she had snuggles with Daddy, and then I fed her and she was fast asleep in bed with snuggle bear and num nums by 7.30 xxx

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