Always put your best foot forward...

...even on your cat tree! 

Black 'toe beans' means the cat most likely has Siamese in their genetic background. Usually the paw pads color will match their general coloring. Light colored cats usually have light colored pads. Dark fur color usually has dark pad colors.
Most all black (colored) cats have Siamese in their genes. This is why they make such great companions.

Raven and Fianna got DNA tests for Christmas. We're going to have our vet help us do the swabbing when they go soon for their yearly check ups. Max, our former black gentleman cat, was cross-eyed, a Siamese trait. I'm anxious to see what info we get for these rescued girls.

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and cool. Lots of Bluebirds every day and a Pine Warbler pair too. The brilliant blue and yellow colored birds on the feeders is lovely. 

All hands cozy

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