Lucky Chance #2

After yesterday's chance narcissus hybrid, here's a crocus in the same vein.  It's seed raised from a dark tipped form of Crocus vernus sl but has quite possibly got some genes from Crocus tommasinianus which often hybridises with it in cultivation.  I have seen some interesting intermediates in Earlham Cemetery in Norwich but they most often have Crocus tommasinianus as the seed parent.   This is of the same size and shape as Crocus vernus but has three very strikingly marked outer petals with silvery cream wash, something that is not unusual in the tommies but rare in Crocus vernus.  I have several seedlings that are very similar and am separating them out to see if I can increase their numbers.  Breeding new bulb strains is a long drawn out process!

A large chunk of the daytime was spent helping Jamie get to spend some time with the horses and ponies at Arthog where he usually rides on a Tuesday.  He's got to wait a couple of months before he can ride again but a bit of equine therapy is always good :-)   This meant that I didn't join S, J and Chris on the train this afternoon ... they were the only passengers!   They did come round for a cuppa and a chat afterwards which was nice.  Singing tonight with the group was great.  We had a break from singing over the winter, starting again last week.  Evidence so far is that the break has done us good :-)

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