
Our first full day in Norway did not come without any obstacles. Quite literally there was one in the form of a truck loading containers that prevented us from reaching a location in Svolvaer and later when we tried to get to a beach the parking area was still covered in snow and unreachable for us. The place where we wanted to park and where others had also parked their cars, turned out to be a bus stop and we could not park there, especially since there was an officer writing out parking fines at that time...

Luckily, we had another location we could go to: the church at the coast of Gimsøy. Of course I have also taken some images of the church, but I'm going for this one made just behind the church. I used this to show the participants what can be done with a somewhat longer exposure, creating lines of foam retreating back to the sea after a wave rolled in just before.

I think this is also a milestone blip for me, so it's my chance to thank all the people keeping Blipfoto up and running and everyone visiting and viewing my images. No intention of leaving, let's bring on the next blip year!

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