A host

As seen at the Van Hage Garden Centre this afternoon.

We were over at Waltham Abbey to see friends Al and Liz for the day. It was really their turn to come to us but Al is undergoing treatment which makes him tired at the end of the day. Driving home at 9.30pm is not the best thing to be doing.

However, to help out Susan made a date and walnut cake hand I baked a wholemeal rye and spelt loaf (baked in the air fryer)

An enjoyable time which was a distraction for all of us, too much to eat, as usual.

Van Hage’s is a mammoth place with the gardening side taking up a relatively small area of the store. The East Herts Miniature Railway Society has its headquarters there and was operating trains. An extensive layout, fully signalled running a diesel service today.

It was outside the store that this gorgeous host of tightly packed daffs were dancing in the sun as we arrived.

For once, the journey there and back was unhindered, taking the predicted hour both ways.

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