
I do love a trawl round a charity shop so, when we stopped for fuel on our way home, I nipped into the charity shop next door to de-stress after our time with Big Brother.

There I found a set of six curiously-shaped cutlery (see extra) a possible pre-curser to the Spork, a combination of knife and fork, but of a certain finesse such as might be used for cake, on a china plate. They are around 15.5cm long.

The marks identify the maker as William Hutton (and Son/s) who started his company in Birmingham in 1800, moving to Sheffield in 1832. Whilst they made items in silver, they also made silver plate, such as these forks, Sheffield Plate being world-famous for quality.

Apart from the engraved monogram (which I cannot decipher) they each bear a Diamond Design Registration Mark (main photo), from which, with sufficient trawling through records, one might determine the date that this design was registered, thence suppose that of manufacture. So far I have not succeeded but I should be interested to learn how they are described.

I am pleased to enter this for the Tiny Tuesday challenge for a 'mystery object from home or garden', hosted by ApolloFly

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