Bumblebee hotel

Hier ist mein hummelhotel!  Which Tim bought me for Christmas - and put up outside today.  We're now wondering if having it so close to our bedroom window was a good idea, but I'm sure it'll be fine....

I was absolutely knackered today, and felt a bit ineffective at work as a result, but still got a fair amount done.  I took a little break at lunchtime to prune the cotinus in the back garden and the roses out the front - in the actual sunshine!  There are a couple of other shrubs I'm itching to get my hands on, but think I need to wait for the spring to prune them.

Tim had a nice sunny walk to the seafront today - but was feeling rather stressed later on about all the things needing doing on the house.  We talked it all through and opened a bottle of his wine in the evening, and thr stress subsided a bit.

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