The Final Day... for the visitors. We spent time outdoors in the morning, in glorious sunshine, sledging, digging snow and enjoying the warmth. After lunch the sun had gone behind cloud  but we headed out on snowshoes to inspect the beaver lodge on the big lake. In winter it is basically a large snow-covered heap, like so many other snow-covered heaps, so Arthur was not hugely impressed, but he enjoyed the trip. Freya also seemed to enjoy being backpacked around with regular inputs of warm drink and crackers.
It has been a lovely week and in particular it is so good to get to know the youngsters, and to give them time to get to know us!
We are soon heading off to bed because we'll be up around 4 tomorrow morning to take them to the airport for the 6:30 flight. Fortunately we are so tired after all this fresh air that sleep will probably come easily despite the relatively early hour.

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